Thursday, June 24, 2010

Better Watch Out! CP BaZzZman Is Coming To Your Town Soon!

CP BaZzZman ascended into notoriety ever since his mobile content became world wide hit!  Combine his musical ability with his humorous creativity and you got undoubtedly one of the world's most creative producers out there.  He is very, very excited to share one of  his array of talents in his latest CD coming available soon. Be sure to keep your eyes peeled for one BaZzZman's latest CD - Telephonic Mayhem!

1 comment:

  1. The Trash-Bag Cashier
    Much like Bill Brennan, Elizabeth Williams is another example of a humble, bog-standard casino employee attempting to stick it to the man – except she was caught in the act. Apparently Williams didn’t give the whole robbery much thought as she emptied $50,000 from gambling machines into black trash-bags directly in front of the casino’s security cameras.
